Comprehensive Water Damage Restoration in Encino, CA After Heavy Rainstorm


After a heavy rainstorm, a homeowner in Encino noticed water seeping into his basement, resulting in dampness and a musty odor. The primary cause of the leak was excess water saturating the soil around the house, which led to water infiltrating through the basement walls and foundation cracks. Concerned about potential mold growth and structural damage, the owner sought professional assistance.

Before starting the water damage restoration process, our team conducted a thorough inspection to pinpoint the leak sources and installed a sump pump to prevent further water intrusion. We used industrial-grade dehumidifiers and fans to completely dry the basement. To eliminate the musty odor and prevent mold growth, we applied antimicrobial treatments. This ensured the basement remained dry and safe.

Dealing with groundwater seepage? Contact Aqua Fast Water Damage Clean up & Mold Remediation for expert water damage restoration and prevention services!

Aqua Fast Water Damage Clean up and Mold Remediation

Encino, CA

(747) 208–0861


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